I am a physician (endocrinologist)-scientist with a life-long drive to improve outcomes for people living with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. I have demonstrated successes in both clinical research and drug development and hold a dual role in industry and as 临床医学副教授 at the 宾夕法尼亚大学, 我在那里开了一家糖尿病诊所.

澳门在线赌城娱乐, I lead or co-lead the clinical development strategy for our metabolism, NASH和肝脏疾病治疗领域, managing large multinational team of scientists and researchers we cover research across the development spectrum. I also chair our Diabetic and Metabolic Diseases 发展 Review Advisory Committee (DRAC).

We bring new treatments to patients and investigate novel modalities that could benefit the patients of tomorrow. We also help maximize the full potential of existing therapies by expanding indications across different interconnected CVRM diseases.

I’m also passionate about the importance of generating and publishing evidence that advances our understanding of CVRM diseases. I have authored more than 100 papers in high-impact scientific journals, held numerous editorial positions and have been a member of executive committees of a range of CV outcomes trials, 也是几个数据监测委员会的主要推动者.

除了我的临床和研究工作, I am proud to have mentored several young people who have gone on to have successful pharmaceutical careers. I value working for an organization that is committed to inspiring the next generation of scientists.

Scientists across AstraZeneca are united by the will to push the boundaries of science to deliver life-changing medicines. I’m proud to contribute to our collective efforts in making a difference for people living with chronic diseases.

伊克巴尔弘 临床代谢副总裁,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐公司&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐






Excellence in Clinical Teaching, 宾夕法尼亚大学 School of Medicine

Headshot of 伊克巴尔弘, Clinical Vice President, 糖尿病, Metabolic Diseases & 胃肠道、澳门在线赌城娱乐




达格列净在澳门在线赌城娱乐的临床开发. Designed and led the saxagliptin-dapagliflozin combination clinical program and interacted with the European regulatory authorities leading to successful approval and launch in the US and EU. Played a key role in expanding dapagliflozin indications from diabetics only to non-diabetics and led the dapagliflozin in type 1 diabetes development team from submission to approval in Europe.


Played a key role in EXSCEL trial and was a part of Executive Committee, current Steering Committee member for Health Authority Submissions for exenatide at AstraZeneca.


Led the team at AstraZeneca developing a novel peptide medi-0382 and determining its applicability to different patient populations.


Serum resistin is not associated with obesity or insulin resistance in humans

Serum resistin is not associated with obesity or insulin resistance in humans. 伊克巴尔N.,谢莎德里·P.斯特恩·L.,陆杰.,昆都S.贾法尔·T., Samaha FF. 欧洲医学评论 & 药理科学9(3),161-165(2005年5 - 6月)


视觉装饰图案. Diagnosis: thyroid acropachy, the rate musculoskeletal manifestation of Graves’ hyperthyroidism

视觉装饰图案. Diagnosis:  thyroid acropachy, the rate musculoskeletal manifestation of Graves’ hyperthyroidism. 伊克巴尔N., Diamond JM. 内分泌实务12(2)234(2006年3月至4月)


The burden of type 2 DM; strategies to prevent or delay onset

The burden of type 2 DM; strategies to prevent or delay onset. 伊克巴尔N. 血管健康和风险管理 Vol 3; 511-520 (2007)


Does lowering of blood glucose improve cardiovascular morbidity and mortality?

Does lowering of blood glucose improve cardiovascular morbidity and mortality? 伊克巴尔,N.,阿瑟·H,. 鲁宾斯坦. 美国肾脏学会临床杂志. 3: 163-167 (2008)


Statue of Bone Mineral density in Patients Selected for Cardiac Transplantation

Statue of Bone Mineral density in Patients Selected for Cardiac Transplantation. 伊克巴尔,N.杜夏姆,J.德赛,S.钱伯斯,南卡罗来纳州.Terebula, K.陈,GW.Shults, J.Leonard, M.Kimanyika, S. 内分泌实践. 14 :704-12 (2008)


Chromium picolinate does not improve key features of metabolic syndrome in obese non-diabetic adults

Chromium picolinate does not improve key features of metabolic syndrome in obese non-diabetic adults. 伊克巴尔,N.卡迪洛,南卡罗来纳州.沃尔格,S.布洛登,LT.安德森,注册会计师.波士顿,R。., Szapary, PO. 代谢综合征及相关疾病. 7(2): 143-50 (2009)


Effects of a low intensity intervention that prescribed a low-carbohydrates vs. 肥胖和糖尿病参与者的低脂饮食

Effects of a low intensity intervention that prescribed a low-carbohydrates vs. 肥胖和糖尿病参与者的低脂饮食. 伊克巴尔,N.Vetter, ML.摩尔,RH,. Chittams J.L.道尔顿-贝克斯,CV,. 多德,M,.  Williams-Smith C.  卡迪罗表示,.  Waddenl,助教. 肥胖. 18(9), 1733-1738 (2010).


Combined treatment with saxagliptin plus dapagliflozin reduces insulin levels by increased insulin clearance and improves β-cell function

Combined treatment with saxagliptin plus dapagliflozin reduces insulin levels by increased insulin clearance and improves β-cell function. 伊克巴尔,N. 内分泌实践; (2016)


Efficacy and tolerability of the new autoinjected suspension of exenatide once weekly versus exenatide twice daily in patients with type 2 diabetes

Efficacy and tolerability of the new autoinjected suspension of exenatide once weekly versus exenatide twice daily in patients with type 2 diabetes. 伊克巴尔,N.等。. 糖尿病、肥胖和新陈代谢(2017)


Benefit:Risk profile of dapagliflozin 5 mg in the DEPICT-1 and -2 trials in Individuals with type 1 diabetes and BMI ≥27 kg/m2

Benefit:Risk profile of dapagliflozin 5 mg in the DEPICT-1 and -2 trials in Individuals with type 1 diabetes and BMI ≥27 kg/m2. 伊克巴尔,N.等。. (2020)


Veeva ID: Z4-60857